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The great circulation desk in the sky. July 18, 2011

Posted by k3nd in Library Image, trends.
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At what point in history did the library profession lose its mystique? It’s je ne sais quoi?  Information on librarians falling off this mortal coil was a prodigious news event . Death of these carefree cataloguers, these impovident indexers, and shiftless shelvers were met with a tsunami of scribbling from suited journalists with matching hat. Here are some tantalizing tidbits.


































T’was an innocent age, where the librarian was held in high esteem, somewhere between Prime Minister and Bank Manager. In a more cynical age, it lies between Lord Mayor and Climate Change Minister. Why the change? Information is readily available to the public, without the need for gatekeepers. The librarian was held in awe, and had to be praised. If not, they may not have provided you with the latest census information, or that fabulous bibliography on radar.

Check out the video below to get into that 1940’s 1950’s feel.