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Light at the end of the tunnel. October 13, 2011

Posted by k3nd in Change, Disturbance, Restrictions.
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First of all I must apologise for my non-appearance for a few months now. I have been busy building houses, travelling, and nurturing websites. I am pleased to announce that many of my suggestions for library improvement have been accepted worldwide, which is a great buzz for me and my supporters.

However, there is a long road to traverse, and many more flags to be raised in honour of library advancement. I myself will continue tirelessly on this mission, floating a plethora of breathtaking ideas in the name of common sense.

There have been a few ups n downs along the way, but never forget people, don’t take your eyes off the ball. The moment you do, those same strangulating vines of ignorance and rigidity will envelope you again, threatening to cut off your supply to variety, fun, flexibility, innovation and efficiency.

Yes people, I have returned, and libraries will never be the same again.