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A License to Roam April 19, 2010

Posted by k3nd in Roving, Staff.
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The first roving shift at my Organisation was a tremendous success. I served many patrons straight away, where previously they would have had to cool their heels for a few minutes. The service desk was kept tidy and ordered plus no queues ensued. Working as a team, the roving shift, which lasted an hour, freed up desk staff to carry out their issues and returns (which is unfortunately the truth for libraries without RFID) without long queues of  patrons.

Not being tied to the desk I was able to help a few people who would probably have been left floundering in not being able to locate certain resources. Desk staff who are unable to show the patron where a resource is, because they are stuck joining a person up, know there is a backup in the field.  The amount of time a rover will need to spend behind the service desk will depend upon the competencies and enthusiasm of the desk staff. The rover is not meant to be returning items all shift, so staff  should not expect it. Again, it’s not rocket science. Work with your rover and vice versa. Move people along quickly, efficiently and in a pleasant and happy manner.

There will of course be those who scoff at the idea of a rover. “Why not just have another person on the desk” they spout. Well, they are half right. Yes, it is an extra person on the desk to help out when needed. However, the point they overlook is the rover is not chained to the desk and can help patrons  amongst the shelves, before they  need to come to the desk. The person stuck at the photocopier, who can’t find an item amongst the shelves, who can’t work the catalogue, who doesn’t know where the pay station is, who can’t work out the genre system. All this happens away from the granite desk. Some may come and ask for help and join the long queue, others will flounder. It really is a no brainer.

It will take time for the concept to be accepted and perfected, but if done properly will immensely increase customer service, efficiencies on the desk, and allow patrons to leave satisfied and more likely to return.

A Wandering Star that Lights my Way April 16, 2010

Posted by k3nd in Roving, Staff.
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My Organisation will finally be implementing a pilot roving librarian shift. It will rove twice a day during designated busy periods. One of the primary aims is to bring the desk to the patrons.  As one of my colleagues quite wittingly stated, the roving slogan should be “bringing the desk to you”.

In a previous entry I alluded to the need for a roving librarian. For a variety of reasons, the fact is that many patrons will not approach a service desk. It may be because staff are too busy issuing and returning items, joining new borrowers, etc. They may be too shy to approach or think their question is rather trivial.

With many libraries having already implemented this policy, it is a positive move in the right direction. The next step is to publicise the roving shift on twitter and other mediums to let the public know the hours when a rover is available.

Thanks to b3rn for the head ups regarding a possible roving theme song.

The tune is very short and catchy. Workers are often found singing along or humming this short ditty and can’t get it out of their minds. Maybe we shouldn’t be singing the trolololo song whilst roving, as patrons may become alarmed, however to mirror this chap’s happiness and care free nature would surely embody the elements of a first class rover.